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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - flight


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(flights) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A flight is a journey made by flying, usually in an aeroplane. The flight will take four hours. N-COUNT 2. You can refer to an aeroplane carrying passengers on a particular journey as a particular flight. I’ll try to get on the flight down to Karachi tonight... BA flight 286 was two hours late. N-COUNT: also N num 3. Flight is the action of flying, or the ability to fly. These hawks are magnificent in flight, soaring and circling for long periods... Supersonic flight could become a routine form of travel in the 21st century. N-UNCOUNT 4. A flight of birds is a group of them flying together. A flight of green parrots shot out of the cedar forest. N-COUNT: N of n 5. Flight is the act of running away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation or place. The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends’ houses. ...her hurried flight from the palace in a cart. N-UNCOUNT: oft in N 6. A flight of steps or stairs is a set of steps or stairs that lead from one level to another without changing direction. We walked in silence up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor. N-COUNT: usu N of n 7. If someone takes flight, they run away from an unpleasant situation or place. He was told of the raid and decided to take flight immediately. = flee PHRASE: V inflects
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   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English flyht; akin to Middle Dutch vlucht ~, Old English fleogan to fly  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an act or instance of passing through the air by the use of wings the ~ of a bee  b. the ability to fly ~ is natural to birds  2.  a. a passing through the air or through space outside the earth's atmosphere ~ of an arrow ~ of a rocket to the moon  b. the distance covered in such a ~  c. swift movement  3.  a. a trip made by or in an airplane or spacecraft  b. a scheduled airplane trip  4. a group of similar beings or objects flying through the air together  5. a brilliant, imaginative, or unrestrained exercise or display a ~ of fancy  6.  a. a continuous series of stairs from one landing or floor to another  b. a series (as of terraces or conveyors) resembling a ~ of stairs  7. a unit of the United States Air Force below a squadron  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Date: 1571  transitive verb flush  intransitive verb to rise, settle, or fly in a flock geese ~ing on the marsh  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English fluht, fliht; akin to Old High German fluht ~, Old English fleon to flee  Date: 13th century an act or instance of running away ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a the act or manner of flying through the air (studied swallows' flight). b the swift movement or passage of a projectile etc. through the air (the flight of an arrow). 2 a a journey made through the air or in space. b a timetabled journey made by an airline. c an RAF unit of about six aircraft. 3 a a flock or large body of birds, insects, etc., esp. when migrating. b a migration. 4 (usu. foll. by of) a series, esp. of stairs between floors, or of hurdles across a race track (lives up six flights). 5 an extravagant soaring, a mental or verbal excursion or sally (of wit etc.) (a flight of fancy; a flight of ambition). 6 the trajectory and pace of a ball in games. 7 the distance that a bird, aircraft, or missile can fly. 8 (usu. foll. by of) a volley (a flight of arrows). 9 the tail of a dart. 10 the pursuit of game by a hawk. 11 swift passage (of time). --v.tr. 1 vary the trajectory and pace of (a cricket-ball etc.). 2 provide (an arrow) with feathers. 3 shoot (wildfowl etc.) in flight. Phrases and idioms flight bag a small, zipped, shoulder bag carried by air travellers. flight control an internal or external system directing the movement of aircraft. flight-deck 1 the deck of an aircraft-carrier used for take-off and landing. 2 the accommodation for the pilot, navigator, etc. in an aircraft. flight-feather a bird's wing or tail feather. flight lieutenant an RAF officer next in rank below squadron leader. flight officer a rank in the WRAF, corresponding to flight lieutenant. flight path the planned course of an aircraft or spacecraft. flight-recorder a device in an aircraft to record technical details during a flight, that may be used in the event of an accident to discover its cause. flight sergeant Mil. an RAF rank next above sergeant. flight-test test (an aircraft, rocket, etc.) during flight. in the first (or top) flight taking a leading place. take (or wing) one's flight fly. Etymology: OE flyht f. WG: rel to FLY(1) 2. n. 1 a the act or manner of fleeing. b a hasty retreat. 2 Econ. the selling of...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) полёт, режим полёта, продолжительность полёта; дальность полёта лётный, полётный 2) рейс 3) скребок, пластина, винт (конвейера, элеватора) 4) лестничный марш, пролёт лестницы 5) этаж (здания) 6) быстроходное судно 7) пищ. гонок (рассева) to cancel the flight — отменять полёт; to carry out the flight — выполнять полёт; to commence the flight — начинать полёт; to complete the flight — завершать полёт; to decelerate in flight — гасить скорость в полёте; to jeopardize the flight — подвергать полёт опасности; to replan the flight — изменять план полёта; while in flight — во время полёта; в процессе полёта; whilst awaiting in flight — в ожидании (очередной команды с земли) в полёте; flight with rated power — полёт на номинальном (расчётном) режиме - accelerated flight - acceptance flight - accident-free flight - advertising flight - aerial survey flight - aerial work flight - aero-tow flight - altitude flight - around-the-world flight - asymmetric flight - back-to-back flight - blind flight - box-pattern flight - bumpy-air flight - business flight - calibration flight - cancelled flight - cargo flight - certification test flight - charter flight - checkout flight - climbing flight - closed-circuit flight - coast-to-coast flight - commercial flight - contact flight - controlled flight - conventional flight - conveyor flight - crop control flight - delayed flight - delivery flight - demonstration flight - direct flight - directed reference flight - emergency flight - endurance flight - en-route flight - experimental flight - familiarization flight - ferry flight - formation flight - fuelless flight - high altitude flight - horizontal...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  лестничный марш шнек (буровой) flight of locks flight of stairs flight of steps helical flight lock flight precast concrete flight prefabricated stair flight straight flight ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) авиазвено 2) авиаотряд 3) взлет 4) взлетный 5) вылет 6) залет 7) летание 8) летно-технический 9) летный 10) марш 11) облет 12) перелет 13) пилотажный 14) пластина транспортера 15) полет 16) полетный 17) скребковой 18) став angled flight deck — палуба полетная угловая automatic flight control — автоуправление полетом cancel flight plan — аннулировать план полета change to automatic flight — перейти на автопилот communicate flight information — сообщать информацию о рейсе disturbed atmosphere flight — полет в болтанку flight altitude envelope — диапазон высот полета flight refueling probe — заправочная штанга flight test program — программа летных испытаний hypervelocity flight mechanics — механика гиперзвукого полета instrument flight rules — правила полетов по приборам maintain flight level — выполнять полет на эшелон operate scheduled flight — выполнять рейсовый полет slope of flight path — угол наклона траектории полета take-off net flight path — чистая траектория взлета unstalled flight range — диапазон досрывных скоростей полет visual flight rules — правило визуального полета - atmospheric flight - auto-controlled flight - box-pattern flight - check flight - coasting flight - contact flight - controls-free flight - en-route flight - endurance flight - engine-on flight - flight altitude - flight chain - flight chart - flight compartment - flight configuration - flight control - flight conveyor - flight deck - flight director - flight dynamics - flight envelope - flight hour - flight...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) трансп. полет, рейс; продолжительность рейса, расстояние полета 2) общ. бегство 3) общ. поток, быстрое течение; отлив, утечка 4) эк. утечка капитала, отток капитала (за границу) 5) рекл. этап, шаг, ступень; серия (одна из нескольких частей рекламной компании, имеющая определенную продолжительность; после нее следует небольшая передышка) See: the second flight of ads - вторая серия рекламы, The Newspaper Association of America has launched the second flight of its highly successful national advertising campaign. - Ассоциация газет Америки начала второй этап своей очень высоко успешной рекламной кампании. See: flighting schedule 6) рекл. период, срок (продолжительность одного из этапов или всей рекламной кампании) This Network will deliver over 133 million gross impressions per 4 week flight. - Эта рекламная сеть обеспечит 133 миллиона валовых показов за четырехнедельный срок кампании. 7) общ. возбуждение, порыв 8) рекл. "нажим", "напор" (интенсификация рекламных усилий) Syn: flight saturation See: frontload 2) backload 1) 9) общ. ряд ступеней, пролет лестницы FLIGHT сущ. 1) полет 2) бегство 3) отлив 4) утечка (капитала за границу) • - flight of capital - flight of money from - flight tests - flight to quality - orbital flight Syn: outflow ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) полёт; лёт; летать 2) перелёт (птиц); совершать перелёт 3) стая (птиц) 4) pl маховые перья – cleansing flight – courtship flight – display flight – hovering flight – mating flight – orientation flight ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. полет the flight of a bee —- полет пчелы a bird of swift flight —- быстрокрылая птица a manned flight to other planets —- полет человека на другие планеты home flight —- ав. обратный полет instrument flight —- ав. полет по приборам, слепой полет flight indicator —- авиагоризонт flight accident —- авиационная катастрофа flight course —- курс полета flight book —- ав. бортовой журнал flight commander —- воен. командир авиазвена flight conveyer —- скребковый транспортер flight hours —- летные часы flight plan —- ав. план полета; полетный лист flight personnel —- воен. летно-подъемный состав flight service —- ав. диспетчерская служба, служба обеспечения полетов flight range —- ав. дальность полета; радиус действия flight mechanic —- бортмеханик flight radio operator —- бортрадист 2. перелет the spring and autumn flights of birds —- весенние и осенние перелеты птиц continuous (non-stop) flight —- ав. беспосадочный перелет flight took two hours —- перелет продолжался два часа 3. ав. рейс F. 447 is ready to leave —- заканчивается посадка на самолет, вылетающий рейсом 447 commercial flights —- коммерческие рейсы 4. быстрое течение (времени) 5. подъем, возбуждение, порыв flight of imagination —- игра воображения 6. стая (птиц, насекомых) 7. град (пуль, стрел) 8. ав. звено, отряд (самолетов) 9. pl. маховые перья 10. спорт. ряд барьеров на скачках 11. ряд...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) полет (тж. перен.) birds in flight - птицы в полете to take/wing ones flight - улететь - flight of fancy - flight of imagination - flight of wit  2) перелет  3) расстояние полета, перелета  4) aeron. рейс  5) стая (птиц)  6) град (стрел, пуль и т.п.); залп  7) звено (самолетов)  8) coll. выводок (птиц)  9) быстрое течение (времени)  10) ряд барьеров (на скачках)  11) ряд ступеней; пролет лестницы  12) ряд шлюзов (на канале)  13) attr. - flight path - flight book in the first flight - в первых рядах, в авангарде; занимающий ведущее место  2. v. совершать перелет; слетаться (о стае птиц) II noun бегство, поспешное отступление; побег to seek safety in flight - спасаться бегством to put to flight - обращать в бегство - take to flight FLIGHT book aeron. бортовой журнал FLIGHT of fancy полет фантазии FLIGHT of imagination полет фантазии FLIGHT of money abroad утечка валюты за границу FLIGHT of wit проблеск остроумия FLIGHT path  а) направление полета (самолета)  б) mil. траектория полета FLIGHT recorder noun черный ящик (на самолете) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 »TRAVEL« a journey in a plane or space vehicle  (It's an hour's flight to Paris from here.) 2 »PLANE« a plane making a particular journey  (TWA Flight 284 | call a flight (=tell people the plane is ready to leave))  (I've got to run - my flight's been called.)  (- see also charter flight) 3 »FLYING« the act of flying through the air  (in flight)  (pelicans in flight) 4 »STAIRS« a set of stairs between one floor and the next  (Bert lives two flights down from here. | flight of stairs)  (She tripped and fell down a whole flight of stairs.) 5 »ESCAPE« the act of escaping from a dangerous situation or a difficult problem + from  (Donald Wood's hasty flight from South Africa early in 1978) 6 take (to) flight to run away in order to try and escape from someone  (The rest of the gang took flight.) 7 put sb to flight old-fashioned make someone run away in order to try and escape 8 flight of imagination/fancy/fantasy thoughts, ideas etc that are full of imagination but that are not practical or sensible 9 »BIRDS« a group of birds all flying together  (a flight of swallows)  (- see also in­flight, top­flight) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  religion abbr. Finding Life In Gods Heavenly Truth ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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